Pain can be a consequence of a disease arising from the body or from environment (e.g. ear pain from noise).
All other causes of pain arising in person's relationships, memories, life attitudes...are referred as psychosomatic. Headache, migrain, stomach pain and backache are examples. Tinnitus - felt as pain or not - can fit in this group also.
These pains are not imaginary, they are true. If you feel tense, muscles will be tense and if this lasts for some time, the pain will be felt. Excessive activity of an auditory nerve caused by psychic tension is a physiological explanation for the tinnitus, where no other causes are found.
Have you ever experienced a headache after sitting in the front of a computer for a long time? I think that such a headache is a nice warning that you are doing something bad to your eyes and to your life maybe. Thus the solution (on a long term) is not in taking some analgesics, but to make a break, go to sleep or on a walk. And to consider - is it O.K. that I use computer so much?
And have you ever experienced your eardrum is twitching in an exciting situation where you were feeling that you were doing something wrong?
-- Eliminate Tinnitus Now --