Tics, tremor, nistagmus, tinnitus, cramps...
...can all appear as standalone symptoms or as a consequence of a proven disease.
Tics are uncontrolled muscle twitches or sounds (blinking, clearing the throat, grimacing, sighing...). They can appear at 3 years and are often prominent between 9 and 13 years of age. They can be aggravated by stress, anxiousness or drugs like Ritalin in Attention Deficit Disorder. They can be part of Tourrette's syndrome which runs in families, but it still hasn't a clear cause. Tics in most cases vanish until early adulthood.
This occasional and stress related nature of tics strongly suggests a psychic origin. But it is also interesting how tics stop - children being solved their psychic troubles or not.
Tinnitus on the other side usually starts in adults.
Few tinnitus sufferers had tics in childhood. It seems that the cause - which is obviously not organ-fixed - remained, only the symptom changed. Other symptoms with possibly psychic origin: tremor (as shaking or shivering), nistagmus (rapid eye movements), behavior or speech disorders, depression, anxiousness, asthma, allergies, phobias, panic attacks, cramps, palpitations, digestion/bowel problems, peptic ulcer, headache, migraine, backache, muscle/bones pains, angina pectoris.
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