In desire to find a solution he can use: thoughts, logic, emotions, consciousness.
Thoughts: 'I can try that drug...or...The traffic under my window causes my tinnitus...I will find solution alone, I will never..., I have to say her...' Thoughts are many, can be confusing. It is good to find good thoughts....
Logic is finding a correlation between thoughts, events. 'If that tea didn't help to others, will also not to me...'
Emotions: anger, peace, fear...are excitations of the heart. They always appear as heart's response to an event, a thought... Emotions disappear after a while. They can give a taste to our life and help us.
Sometimes is good for us if we are persisting in particular emotins, sometimes is not. How to distinguish this?
Intuition is commonly described as 'power of knowing without reasoning'. It can be compared with consciousness. Consciousness has two meaning: a - awareness, b - a voice which tells use what's right.
With awareness part we can observe and see that particular thoughts revoke particular emotions. We CAN find out what causes peace in us. But peaceful feeling can be tricky. True peace is permanent. This doesn't mean that we will feel a permanent emotion. It means that whenever we check our plans we will feel peacefully if the plans are good and we will lost peace in time if our plans are bad.
There is a voice on the end which will tell us 'yes' or 'no' (to do something).
We don't need to understand that voice. If we find peace with that voice it is enough to listen it and do what it tells us.
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